Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thank You PitchBook

It was a slow day a the office today and PitchBook Data Inc. a purveyor of private equity research was kind enough to email me several reports detailing recent trends within of the private equity industry to include:
  • 2Q13 Deal Multiples and Trend Report
  • 2Q13 Company Inventory Report
Key take aways:
  1. The historic 3-5 year time horizon for harvesting PE investments may be entering a new normal of 5-7 year holding periods
  2. VC investments with managers below the top quintile are better placed in Index funds
  3. Even though rates are historically low, lending is readily available and multiples are at a more manageable 8% level debt to equity ratios remain below the traditional 60% debt 40% equity with a more conservative 50/50 mix 

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