
Ideas and Tangents:

While I promise to keep this blog solely focused on the topic of Commercial Banking. Like many, I have a lot of interests outside of banking. Many of which are linked by one common threat - my passion and insatiable interest for the "business of business" as I like to call it. So as I have business concept ideas I will list them here for your comments and future in depth analysis so I can learn whether it is something worth really doing:

The GMAT test prep books are fresh out of the Amazon box and taunting me from the book shelf so where I'll end up getting my MBA is still a mystery but one thing I know for sure is that should I need to write a thesis paper I'll have a topic in mind, two actually:
  1. Stimulus vs Austerity, which is truly the path of economic righteousness. Thanks to the financial crisis we have been handed, I feel, two excellent models of divergent economic policy in which to delve into in real time. Fascinating.
  2. The benefits and contributions private equity provides the US economy, employment rate and financial system as viewed through the lens of: How would the US economic recovery been different if private equity had not been present in the marketplace. You don't know what you've got till it's gone right? 
For the fun of it I will begin working on question number one out of pure curiosity when time allows.

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