Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day Zero

As with all things new, getting started is the hardest part. Blogging about my private equity ambitions is no less awkward, it is not characteristic of my personality.

That being said, if you aren't doing anything scary, then you aren't doing anything new, so here goes!

Day Zero: June 10, 2012 the puzzle pieces fell into place thanks to an article by the Charlotte Business Journal interviewing some of the heavy weights in the Charlotte IB and PE industry about the health of the national and local economy (I have been unsuccessful to date in locating the article in the CBJ archives). That article changed everything, it gave me a target, a goal and a name, a name to the "thing" I had been chasing since I was 17 years old. That "thing" has a name and it is Private Equity.

Since that fateful day my curiosity and passion for the industry has only grown and I look forward to learning,   networking and hopefully ultimately earning myself a position in the private equity industry through good old fashioned hard work.

This blog will serve in some respects as a log of my efforts and activities to document my journey from newly minted Finance graduate from the illustrious UNC Charlotte Belk College of Business into the glittering world of finance.

Let the dry sarcasm and financial education begin...

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